However, specific roles like the temple guards all used yellow crystals to power their lightsabers. Yellow indicated a Jedi Sentinel, a Jedi who honed his or her skills in a balance of combat and scholarly pursuits. This will create a new “weapon” called Melee.

STAR WARS™ Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy™ There is actually a way you can kick with a one handed saber, you just have to hold shift, and then press the button below escape (on a keyboard with a Swedish/English layout) and then wright “iknowkungfu”.

To use a cheat, just bring up the console, and enter it. Cheats are now enabled in your single player game. To enable cheats in your game bring up the console by pressing shift+the tilde(~) key and enter ”helpusobi 1”. How do you enable cheats in Jedi Outcast? How does Jedi Knight 2 Jedi Outcast work?.How do you cheat in Star Wars Battlefront?.Are there any cheat codes for Star Wars?.Are there any cheats for Jedi Knight on PC?.How to cheat in Star Wars Jedi Outcast?.Is there dismemberment in Jedi Academy ps4?.How do you activate dismemberment in Jedi Academy?.How do you get unlimited force in Jedi Academy?.Can you change your lightsaber color in Jedi Outcast?.Is there dismemberment in Jedi Outcast?.Are there cheat codes for Jedi fallen order?.How do you enable cheats in Jedi Outcast?.Press Shift and ~ during the game, enter helpusobi 1 or devmapall, and the desired code. Now you can enter any of the following codes: Then type: spawn weapon_stun_batonĭuring the game hold Shift and ~ then type devmapall. Hold shift and ~ (left of 1 on your keyboard) to open up the command console. Spawns the weak stun baton seen in Jedi Outcast Spawns the bryar pistol from Jedi Outcast give weapon_tusken_rifle - Gives the tusken sniper rifle.give weapon_scepter - Gives the sith scepter.give weapon_rapid_fire_conc - Gives the rapid-fire-stoulker.give weapon_turret - Gives the portable assault sentry gun.give weapon_noghri_stick - Gives the Noghri weapon.(Freezes Game).give weapon_jawa - Gives the jawa gun (Doesn't work).give weapon_tusken_staff - Gives the gaffi stick.And the last setback, these work in single player ONLY. And in order to use them, you can't switch weapons or you will not be able to select them again. NOTE: In order to get these, you must have a GUN out, not your saber. There are several secret weapons in the game that you can't use unless you type these codes in the console. Here is a list of all the NPCs in the game: